Arts Commission programs postponed

The Arts Commission is postponing all events scheduled until April 18th, or until we are advised by the Health Department and our partner organizations that regular programming can be safely resumed.  We encourage all our friends to stay safe and careful.

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A little drive goes a long way

Chris Russell gives the Arts Commission a thumbs up! March 28th is the day.  Stuart Powell Ford is the place. 300 test drivers is the goal to earn the Arts Commission $6,000!  Stuart Powell Ford and the Ford Corporation will donate $20 to the Arts Commission for every test driver…

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2019 Arts Citizens of the Year Awarded

Robby Henson and Heather Henson were presented with the Arts Commission’s 2019 Arts Citizens of the Year Award on January 13th at the Danville City Commission meeting at City Hall.  Robby and Heather were selected for their outstanding work in their individual artistic fields as well as their work at the Pioneer Playhouse…

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Scarlet Cup production of RED has a new home!

Scarlet Cup Theater makes sure the show will go on – with a little help from the Advocate Messenger and Doug Gooch!  When the theater received word that the planned venue would not be available just three weeks before opening night, they jumped into action and found a great new…

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Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society Program Coming to Danville

Do you have a special quilt made in Kentucky or owned by a Kentucky resident?  Was your quilt made before 1980?  Then you should really consider participating in the Kentucky Quilt Registry Program.  You will have a perfect opportunity the weekend of March 27th and 28th at the Boyle County…

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